Youth Club re opens this Tuesday
Youth Club re opens as normal this Tuesday at 6pm for both old and new members. Price still the same: £1.30 for Junior – £2 for Junior & Senior combined (Y6 and above only) Can’t wait to see you all back again!
Jesus at the centre
Youth Club re opens as normal this Tuesday at 6pm for both old and new members. Price still the same: £1.30 for Junior – £2 for Junior & Senior combined (Y6 and above only) Can’t wait to see you all back again!
Just a reminder that youth club starts back Tuesday 11th September. 6pm until 7.30 (Junior) 6pm until 8.30 (Senior – must be in school year 6) See you all soon!
Clifton are hosting our annual Open Air Service on the 9th September 10.45. This service will be led by our very own fantastic Rev Karen Beecham. Please feel free to come along or just join in half way through! This will be held in the car park of Clifton Methodist Church.
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Our Church Family day to Cleethorpes is on the 14th. Cost £7.50 per person. Everybody Welcome
Tomorrow’s service at 11am has been cancelled due to the 10k fun run around Clifton. Why not enjoy the sunshine and praise in the outdoors!
Don’t forget our Youth Club Coffee Morning, this Saturday 10 till 12. Cakes, Tea, Coffee, Bacon sandwiches! All welcome!
It’s the Annual General Meeting at Clifton this Sunday 12.30 with lunch. Everyone welcome to attend.