Bible Study – 22nd November
The bible study is Wednesday 22nd November to Wednesday 13th December @ Clifton 7pm for 7.15 start.
Jesus at the centre
The bible study is Wednesday 22nd November to Wednesday 13th December @ Clifton 7pm for 7.15 start.
We had a very special visit from a Skinny pig today at Junior Church. He was beautiful 😀
We now have a new bookings number. Please give us a call for party’s/receptions/events and meetings to book a part of our church for your occasion. 07384373097
Come and join us for our annual Autumn Fair this Saturday from 10am! Cakes, Brick a Brac, BBQ, Refershments and a warm welcome. Why don’t you pop in on your way down to the Rotherham Show! See you there.
We are currently experiencing issues with our booking telephone line. In the meantime if you would like to book Church for a event or party please contact us on the following e-mail address or contact us through Facebook. www.facebook.com/cliftonmethodist bookings@cliftonmethodist.co.uk We will update you once the telephone line issue has been resolved.
Due to changes in staffing across the Rotherham Methodist Circuit Sunday morning services will now start at 11am – pre worship at 10.45. Please come and join us!