Author: cliftonmethodistchurch
Quiz and Cottage Pie Evening
Please see Sandra for tickets for the Quiz and Cottage Pie Evening On Saturday April 25th, 7 pm. Adults £5, under 12s £3
Services for Holy Week and Easter
Wed 1 April: 12 noon Holy Communion at Eastwood led by Rita, followed by Lent Lunch (Churches Together in Rotherham) Maundy Thurs 2 April: 12 noon Holy Communion at Talbot Lane led by Revd. Karen Beecham, followed by lunch 7 pm Passover Meal and Worship, St. James’s led by Revd. Abi Thompson Good Friday 3 Read More …
General Church Meeting
Sunday 12 April This will follow the morning service on Sunday 12 April, and a lunch will be provided. It is open to anyone who is connected in any way with the life of the church at Clifton, and is a opportunity to : elect church stewards and representatives to the Church Council; receive a Read More …
Aston Churches Together Christian Aid Group
Poverty and Pastries Sat March 21st, 10 – 11.30 am. Christ Church, Swallownest. Inspiration & ideas to help you take action to help end poverty. To book a place, contact Revd. Sarah Colver, 01142 877421,
In aid of the ROOF FUND Saturday 7th March Cake stall, Raffle, Bric-a-Brac Help with baking, or on the day, would be greatly appreciated. Come along and bring a friend.
Circuit Lent Course
Circuit Lent Course Looking through the Cross led by Revd. Peter Edwards A mix of teaching and discussion, open to all St. John’s, Swinton : Tues 7-30pm Clifton : Wed 7-30pm (refreshments from 7-00pm) Session 2: Tues.3/Wed. 4 March The Cross & Power: Luke 23 vv 3-4, 23-25 The Cross and Identity: Mark 15 v. Read More …
Membership Preparation
A series of six meetings for membership preparation with a view to a service of confirmation and reception into membership in June. The dates are: Thursdays 30 April, 7 May, 14 May, 28 May, 4 June, 11 June, 7.30 to 9 pm, with the service on Sunday 14 June. If anyone is interested, please speak Read More …
Half Term Holiday Club
February Half Term Holiday Club- The Methodist Church Clifton. This years theme is Shrek. Fun, games, crafts and much much more! Please call 07590982559 or 01709 320134
Messy Church
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Messy Church is cancelled this Saturday. Please check back for the next date. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenienced caused.