Coffee Morning
There will be a Coffee Morning here at Clifton on Saturday 31st January, from 10 am to 12 noon, for this year’s Circuit Charity, which is Rotherham Talking Newspapers for the Blind.
Jesus at the centre
There will be a Coffee Morning here at Clifton on Saturday 31st January, from 10 am to 12 noon, for this year’s Circuit Charity, which is Rotherham Talking Newspapers for the Blind.
Clifton Teaching and Discipleship Programme Nehemiah led by Revd. Karen Beecham Wednesday Evenings at the Methodist Church, Clifton 7-00 for 7- 30pm (refreshments available) January 7th : When challenges hit us – how to cope when the bad times happen (Nehemiah 1-2) January 14th : Keeping momentum–how do we keep the momentum in our faith? Read More …
Congratulations go to our fantastic Junior Church for their fabulous rendition of ‘# Nativity’
Sunday School Nativity this Sunday 10.45 see you there.
Holy Trinity Church Thorpe Hesley Grand Opening Thurs 4th Dec, 7.30pm, Then open 10am until 6pm, Friday 5th to Sunday 7th. Sat 6th – Christmas Market from 5pm Hot food, real ale, mulled wine, stalls and games. Admission free.
Judith and Barry would like you to share a ‘Christmas Festive Evening’ on Friday, 19th December at their home, 83 Spinneyfield, 7.00 pm onwards. There will be home-made festive food and drinks, fun and good company. All proceeds of £6.00 per person will go to the Roof Fund and Rotherham Street Pastors. If possible, please Read More …
THE BEATITUDES Wed 26th Nov, 3rd Dec, 10th Dec, 17th Dec Refreshments 7.00pm, course at 7.30pm. For details email or phone 01709 363082,
On Sat 20 Dec churches across Rotherham will gather in All Saints Square to sing carols from 10-00am to 12-00 noon. This is a Christian witness to the festival of Christmas, and a follow-up to the initiative for prayer in September after the child sex exploitation revelations. Tea/coffee and mince pies will be given out. Read More …