Good morning,
I do hope you all got the message about the cancellation of the service this morning Sunday 5th January. The Stewards were very concerned that people shouldn’t make the effort to come out and put themselves at risk
Stay safe and worship God at home.
In keeping with our MWoL theme notice God in the natural world
Today I saw a snowflake, on my window land . . .
it was as if it was put there by God’s very own hand.
For it reminded me, of my own uniqueness
how delicately I was made with such preciseness.
It remained on the pane, for only a short while . . .
as it slipped down the glass I couldn’t help but smile.
For it reminded me, just how short life is
filling my heart with joy . . . knowing I am His.
Today I saw a snowflake, land then melt away . . .
reminding me with Jesus I will be with Him one day!
God bless you all